Studio Ghibli are known for their strong, leading female characters and fantastic story lines. These films in comparison to other popular animation both inside and outside of Japan present females in a much more realistic way despite the fact the film themselves tend to be fantasy films. However, why aren't there any female directors for these films? Other animations from Japan have successful female directors like, Yamanda Naoko (although she works at Kyoto Animation) has directed animations like K-On. Yoshiako Nishimura's comment, "Women tend to be more realistic and manage day-to-day lives very well. Men on the other hand tend to be more idealistic – and fantasy films need that idealistic" I personally disagree with his statement because one's imagination and ability to be a good director doesn't have anything to do with their gender. Although, I've enjoyed watching these films made a male director, having a female director would only benefit the company more as they would bring in new ideas and a new perspective.